CALLit-ringo on DeviantArt

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CALLit-ringo's avatar

Charmin Fest



today my friend charmin called me and said " dude i need a flyer for my birthday party" and i told him "of course!! when do you want it" and he told me, "mmm... today i need to print it today after 5pm" and i said "what?? wtf you think that i dont have other things to do (wich i dont really)" then i said " ok" and here it is my 2 hours design
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2125x2750px 584.95 KB
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RolandoLemuria36's avatar
25 barotes el cover!!!
Por una cabeza de un noble potrillo
que justo en la raya afloja al llegar
y que al regresar parece decir:
no olvides, hermano,
vos sabes, no hay que jugar...

Losing by a head of a noble horse
who slackens just down the stretch
and when it comes back it seems to say:
don't forget brother,
You know, you shouldn't bet.